
Friday, 9 March 2007

Music prophet

What do you know of the musical tastes of the present Pope, Benedict? That he likes classical and sacred music, and he dislikes modern music?

His predecessor, John Paul II, knew how to endear himself with the popular masses. He knew the world belongs to the youths and he supported the healthy activities of youths. And what better representation or expression of youths is there than in their music? Pop music?

Traditionally, the Vatican has been holding a fund-raising Christmas concert that attracts pop stars to it. But last year, it was cancelled on orders from Benedict. Disappointment.

But it was not unexpected from one who dislikes modern music, especially Bob Dylan. I read today on Reuters that Benedict's dislike of Dylan extended to his opposition of the singer's appearance in an Italian youth event in 1997 which John Paul II attended.

Benedict was mentioning this in his new book, "John Paul II, My Beloved Predecessor." But it is funny that he should refer to Dylan as a prophet, although he qualified his statement by saying "the wrong kind of prophet."

Does Dylan consider himself a prophet? Certainly, I do not consider Dylan a prophet. But I consider Dylan to be a GREAT song writer, one who wrote words that meant a lot to me and millions of fans around the world.

Benedict has strong views but he is wrong and out of tune with popular music lovers.

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