
Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Unjustified Kayu

They call themselves Restoran Original Penang Kayu Nasi Kandar Sdn Bhd but it seems the only thing original about them are their price hikes BEFORE the price of flour was increased. Such anticipation!

I received this forwarded email in my inbox today and if it is true, a mass boycott of the eatery is in order:
The front page of Kosmo published on Wednesday April 18th 2007 carries a column on the bottom of the page which reads "Milo RM1.30 melambung RM2.50, roti sardin RM2.50 naik RM 4.00" The report was related to the increase in price of Nasi Kandar Di Kayu Restaurant. The price increase does not include the 5% government tax.

Beginning April 1st in the Klang Valley and April 15th up north the new price tag comes into effect. Some of the price increase is 100% which is not justified and I think many customers were caught 'red handed' after they finish their meals. Even thought I do not eat Nasi Kandar
regularly, I see that the price increase is too much. Even the propreitor give an excuse of the price increase in raw product does it affect by piece.

For example a Roti Canai kosong was increased to a ringgit from 60 cents. Its an increase of 40 cent a piece. Does Kayu Nasi Kandar buy flour at 40 cents more expensive for a kilo? Sirap limau nipis was increased 100% when the price of sugar is still at RM 1.45 without any increase.

UPDATE: I'm writing this short paragraph on 17 oct 2008. It's just an update to say that I haven't been patronising Kau restaurant for more than two years. I just cannot agree with their prices. I can get better nasi kandar elsewhere at cheaper prices.

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