
Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Finally, Malaysian authorities warn about Power 1 Walnut

Has it got to take 39 days before the National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau makes a move to say something about the sexual enhancement dug, Power 1 Walnut?

On 23 Feb 2008, I had blogged about this drug and called on the authorities in Malaysia to uncover the extent of its presence in the country and take the necessary action against unscrupulous persons hawking it. Take preemptive action before it is too late.

And it is only today that I read in the newspapers that the NPCB's pharmacy services division has finally issued a statement and even then, it's so watered down and only echoed what has been known for a long time.

Power 1 Walnut, said Eisah A. Rahman in her statement, has been detected with the scheduled poisons Glibenclamide and Sildenafil. (Who doesn't already know this?)

She said that Glibenclamide can cause adverse reaction such as hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) while the improper use of Sildenafil may lead to low blood pressure and cardiovascular problems. In the worst case scenario, glibenclamide may cause death. (Haven't I been saying this too?)

There's not much more information in the statement except for this:
"The sale of these products is an offence under the Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulations 1984. Offenders face a maximum fine of RM25,000 or a jail sentence not exceeding three years or both for the first offence. For subsequent offences, the maximum fine is RM50,000 or a jail sentence of five years, or both. A company found guilty can be fined up to RM50,000 for the first offence and up to RM100,000 for subsequent offences."

As if this warning is sufficient to prevent smugglers from bringing the drug into the country or pedlars from selling the drug in the streets or thrill seekers from buying the drug and risking their lives. No no no ... more has to be done by the authorities. And don't tell me your hands are tied!

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