
Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Malaysiakini's disservice to Permatang Pauh by-election

Note to self: Great disservice by Malaysiakini. They are missing out on goodwill and history by not providing more access to their Permatang Pauh stories today. They allowed it for a limited time during the General Elections in March; they could have allowed it again for one or two days during this very important by-election period.

If you need some on-the-ground instant gratification and updates, try these sites: The Malaysian Insider, The People's Parliament, Anil Netto and Susan Loone.

UPDATE: Both Anil Netto and The Malaysian Insider sites seem to have crashed as at 7.40pm today.

UPDATE 2: Both sites are now up again at about 11pm.

UPDATE 3: The Malaysian Insider is down now (27 Aug, 10am)

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