
Sunday, 31 August 2008

Merdeka spirit is still bottled up

What d'ya know? Today is Merdeka Day, the 51st anniversary of the day that Malaya obtained our independence from the British.

Last year's 50th anniversary was celebrated with great excitement everywhere and the Merdeka spirit really filled the air. But I don't feel the same this year. Do you? Have you really felt like celebrating this year? Where's the Merdeka mood? Somehow, it's way too quiet. When I drove around town, yes, I did see establishments flying the Malaysian flag. But it's kinda muted, if you know what I mean. It's as if the businesses here have been forced to fly the flag out of some obligation.

Of course, I'm glad that tomorrow is an off day, a replacement for Merdeka Day which falls on a Sunday. It's an extended weekend which I'm using to visit the Buddhist Hermitage in Lunas later this morning and perhaps take the family to the new shopping mall in Perda tomorrow. But that's about all that I'm going to do!

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