
Friday 15 August 2008

Truck drivers begin their unhappiness drive today

So today's the day that heavy vehicles and slow-moving vehicles are banned from using the Penang Bridge during peak hours. This morning, as I was at the toll plaza at 6.30am, I noticed a group of policemen and bridge staff getting ready to stop these vehicles from crossing.

According to a colleague who crossed about half an hour later, there was a heated argument between a truck driver and the authorities. No prize for guessing who won the day.

How can there be a plea of ignorance of this new ruling when the announcements had been made in the news media since two, three weeks ago? Even the trade organisations have written to their members to inform them that the ban on heavy and slow-moving vehicles would take effect from 15 Aug 2008. Anyone who chose to ignore the notices would have done so at their own peril.

1 comment:

  1. The trucks can ask for exemptions. I know my company is doing that and the authorities were kind enough to give. I think those who argued are ignorant fools. Let them stay that way -ignorant
