
Saturday, 6 September 2008

Dog's feast

Would you remember this post way back in January this year? It was about a snake that had swallowed four golf balls in Australia.

This time, it's about a five-year-old black labrador in England. Recently, Oscar went under the veterinarian's knife because his owner heard a rattling noise from its stomach. All in, 13 golf balls were "rescued" from Oscar's stomach juices. One ball wasn't so lucky. It had turned black and the shell was swollen. Luckily, it hadn't turned toxic yet.

Oscar's owner, Chris Morrison, said: "We're not sure how long exactly this happened over, but it must have been a fair period - several months at least. "I felt his stomach and heard them rattling around. He normally brings a few home, but I had no idea he had eaten so many."

And according to the vet, Bob Hesketh: "I've never seen anything like it. It was like a magic trick. I opened him up and felt what I thought was two or three golf balls. But they just kept coming until we had a bag full. They must have been in there for several months."

Sorry, no photo of the retrieved balls. You'll just have to imagine them.

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