
Thursday, 4 September 2008

Oh, the ignominy of it all

Aiyoh, aiyoh, today I'm feeling rather crestfallen
If this is the depth that our English has fallen
Is this the product of a Malaysian University?
Shoo! Begone! We don't need such absurdity!

Authorities, please sit up and take notice
Before you topple over the edge of the precipice
English, we must improve or else we will fail
Our competitiveness blown away by this gale

Where's the meritocracy in all your policies?

This advertisement has exposed all your follies
It'll take two generations at least to right this wrong
But now, we have to live with this mess all lifelong

It'll be quoted globally as your humiliation
Our education system clearly needs a fresh direction
So learn from it lest you fall again
Learn from it if you still have half a brain

To know more about this advertorial which appeared in the New Straits Times on 23 Aug 2008, please visit Lim Kit Siang's blog.

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