
Saturday, 27 September 2008

PKR. Outrageous. Irresponsible.

I was skimming through the newspapers when I came across this statement. It's an outrageous statement and reflects very badly on the person making it. What does this joker mean when he says that "what is important is we did not ask for the women. He supplied them to us. If people donate, don't you want to accept it?"

Excuse me, how do you equate the flesh trade with donation? Do you know what is right and what is wrong? Have you no morals at all? So proud about it? Unrepentant? Is sex your only priority in life? Or does reason fly out of the window when you are confronted with women and sex? It's a warped mind that can come up with such an outrageous reason. It's a damned gross irresponsible statement and I'll be very scared to have people like you in government!

What, lah!


  1. Quah,

    I know you mean well.

    However, your approach feeds lying. It feeds hypocrisy.

    It feeds the conflation of ethics with morality.

    You want to be a prude, by all means. But do you need to impose your prudishness on all? Why?

    I am not supporting or disagreeing with Zul. I am saying don't make a big deal out of someone having sex in not unusual circumstances. If a beautiful naked woman bares herself in a hotel room it is absurd to say that the guy who refuses is a saint and the guy who listens to his body/intuition is a devil.

    You want to be moral? Attack crab mentality. Attack mediocrity. Attack leaders who are anti-creative. Attack those who delay Malaysia from having the developed society values that we once had.

  2. Dear Bala,

    True, a man may give in to his lust
    But do you really believe it's just?
    Your comments are well received
    Even though my opinion you disagreed
    I am a god-fearing person
    My reaction thus have a reason
    Do good and don't fail
    Else we'll end up a sad tale

    SS Quah

  3. Quah,

    I do not expect you to accept this just as there must be many things that you did not accept 20 years ago but did later in your life with more exposure.

    "In sexually-reproducing species, all genes must propagate through the gateway of sex, and mate choice is the guardian of that gateway. For this reason, sexual courtship was probably central in human evolution, and remains central in modern human life. However, sexual selection has long been overlooked in the human sciences, partially because evolutionary biologists themselves were skeptical about Darwin's most innovative theory until quite recently, and partially because various ideological biases kept sex marginalized as a topic too messy, too mystical, too embarrassing, and too arousing for scientific analysis."

    See for more.

    Guess why those communities where sexual courtship is less taboo (eg Chinese-Malaysians versus Indian-Malaysians/Malay-Malaysians) do better than those that make it taboo?

  4. Quah,

    Everything is connected despite what the silo-ed so-called-university-degreed will tell you.

    Evaluate my position in view of "Why has Asia minus Japan STOPPED producing quantum inventions in over 1000 years when before that it was responsible for NEARLY ALL OF THEM?"

    And what all can we experiment with to reverse this. I'd rather us be god-loving rather than god-fearing!

    [Quantum inventions = significant leaps in order of problem solving from caveman days to now]
