
Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Are you happy with the fuel pump price decrease?

So....I woke up this morning to learn that the petrol prices have gone down. Effective today and not Friday as widely expected. Darn! I had only filled up a full tank on Monday after returning from my sorta faimily reunion last weekend.

But like I've mentioned in the past, what good is this reduction in petrol prices now? True, RON97 is now RM2.30 per litre while RON92 and diesel are now RM2.20 per litre, but what good does this do to our cost of daily food consumables? Will the hawkers pull down their prices too? Will the fish and the meat and the vegetables in the markets be any cheaper?

The only consolation I get from this fuel price reduction is that it's getting slightly cheaper to drive around, burn more petrol and pollute more of the environment. Still, we are driving around at a fuel cost that's still above the pump prices six months ago. The only response that I can give to the Barisan Nasional government is this: SOD YOU for spoiling everything. The damage's been done and nothing, nothing you do can ever bring down the cost of living to before.

What, lah!

1 comment:

  1. A screwed up, short sighted government.
