It was not so long ago that Penang had been covered with either a thick haze or dark stormy clouds but lately the air has cleared considerably. Today was actually a glorious day. Clear skies. Here's a photo that I took from the Penang Bridge, looking out at Kedah Peak in the distance. The sky was so clear this afternoon that I could make out the telecommunication transmission tower atop Kedah Peak. Wonderful.
After my trip to Lunas this morning, I had to drive out to the island. On the way back - guess what - I was caught in a traffic jam on the Penang Bridge, stretching from about the 7.2 km mark to about the 3.6 km mark. Ridiculous that it had to happen on a Sunday too! It took me about 45 minutes to clear the jam. Of course, by the time I arrived at the 3.6 km mark, whatever had caused the jam was no longer in sight. I was left none the wiser. What gives?
Terrible jam... is it because of the end of Raya... everyone rushing back to KL and Penang???
ReplyDeletei guess everyone's wanting to go back to KL or somewhere.
ReplyDeleteGuys, I would greatly suspect that the jam had nothing to do with the end of the long Raya week. If it was, the queue would have started at the approach roads towards the bridge, not only on it. If it was too, the jam would be for the whole length of the bridge, not just between the 7.2km and 3.6km milestones.