
Saturday, 10 January 2009

No Google Chrome for Mac yet, so use CrossOver Chromium

Looks like Google Chrome for the Mac is still a long way off. I tried searching to see whether a Mac version was already available (remember, a Windows version was launched last year) but it's not. But the developers did ask for my email address so that they'll inform me when it's ready.

Nevertheless, I noticed that there is something similar called CrossOver Chromium, created by the people at CodeWeavers, and released for free download on Mac OS X as a native Mac .dmg file or on Ubuntu, RedHat, Suse, etc. as standard Linux packages.

CrossOver Chromium: looking a lot like Google Chrome

According to their webpage, the program is a proof-of-concept, developed for the fun of it (and it doesn't even have an auto-updater), to showcase the capability of Wine which is an open source technology allowing Windows executables to be run as-if-natively on Intel-based Unix operating systems such as Linux and Mac OS X.

The developers advised that CrossOver Chromium should be used with discretion and they take no responsibility for crashes, lost data, errant cookies, or that sort of thing. In short, CrossOver Chromium should not be used as your main browser.

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