
Friday, 2 January 2009

Turning from Supex to Ortofon

This is my old Supex SD900 Super-II moving coil cartridge that I was using on my Rega Planar 3. I have been using it for a very long time. But as you can see, it's getting pretty worn down. And dirty. Dust that I find too difficult to remove. Is it still giving me good service? I hope so.

Three days ago, I decided to send my turntable for a check-up at Wisma Audio Centre at the Island Plaza. An occasional equipment check-up is always good to keep it in working condition. I set up an appointment with Johnny and Sunny. "Hey, guys," I phoned them, "I need you to look at my turntable."

So I brought my equipment into their showroom last Wednesday. However, 24 hours can be a very long time as I discovered. Expansive and expensive thoughts go through your brain and before long, I had decided that I wanted more than a check-up. The moment I walked into their showroom with my Rega, I told them: "Hey, I want a new cartridge."

Actually, if I had wanted to replace the old Supex, I could have gone to any other hifi shop on the mainland. It would be much closer than to come out to the island and then drive halfway around it to Tanjung Tokong. But the guys at Wisma Audio Centre are old hands in the hifi business. They are practically one of the oldest and most established in Penang. They'd know how to look after my turntable.

I was recommended the Ortofon. Just what I wanted, actually, but I was waiting for them to tell me first. So now my Rega Planar 3 sports a new moving coil cartridge, the MC-1 Turbo. Strange, but I think my music's playing much brighter than before. More meat coming from the speakers. But even stranger still, whereas previously my amplifier's volume control had to be turned to the 11 o'clock mark to enjoy the music, I now have to set it to only past the 8 o'clock mark.

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