
Sunday, 8 February 2009

Chinese new year: "Chap Sah Meh"

Chap Sah Meh. No such thing as Chap Sah Meh (13th night) like there's no Chap See Meh night; I'm only pulling your leg. My wife and I attended a little community function last night on Chap Sah Meh in celebration of Chinese New Year. Organised by the Rukun Tetangga, there were about 200 people - from the very young to the senior citizens. As you can see from these pictures, it was a real fun event that culminated in a short fireworks display.

You may need to click on the photo above to see a bigger version of what went on at the function. Of course, it wouldn't be complete without people singing on stage. I have to admit that these people have the guts to go display their talents up there. I wouldn't be able to do so.

I was aiming my mobile phone carelessly and caught this group of Malays at the Chinese New Year function. Dunno whether they enjoyed the atmosphere or not, but the food was a great hit with them. Anyway, a few of the more daring ones went on stage to sing as well! Maybe not the ladies, but the men.

Another panoramic shot captured with the in-built camera on my mobile phone. Quality is terrible but it was the best I could do with under the circumstances. Click on the photo and you'll see more detail.

Sorry again, ah, another poor shot with the mobile's camera. Nevertheless, this was the highlight of the evening.

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