
Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Double standards!

An embarrassment to Malaysia! Rais Yatim is fast turning out to be as ridiculous and shallow as the rest of his colleagues in government. (Well, if not all, then the majority of his colleagues in government anyway.)

Yesterday, he was quoted by Sun2Surf as saying that the "communists have no place in Malaysia because their sins for killing thousands of people in the then Malaya cannot be forgotten. The communists had abused this country and we had been shackled through killings and terrible actions committed by them. The thousands who had died at the hands of the communists should be sufficient for us to be remorseful so that we do not issue statements that can make us forget the atrocities committed by the regime then."

I suppose by his own definition, he implies that the Japanese are not welcomed in our country too. Or has he forgotten the atrocities committed by the Japanese army during the dark Occupation days from 1941 to 1945? Didn't Malayans disappear by the thousands at the hands of the invaders? Don't they matter too? Why this selective memory from our Information, Communications and Culture Minister? I am rather pissed off by his double standards.

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