
Friday 14 August 2009

Penang Bridge update

I should have known that it couldn't last. I was rather upbeat yesterday that the Penang Bridge expansion project had been completed and all six lanes had been opened for public use. Even when I drove across during rush hour yesterday afternoon, traffic was smooth.

But this morning at about 6am, I saw that the authorities had replaced the cranes and brought back the mobile containers at the mid-span. Needless to say, they have re-closed a lane each on both sides of the bridge.

What the heck. They opened all six lanes yesterday just for show only. Just to hoodwink everyone - especially those who doesn't know any better - that they could allow smooth traffic flow IF they want to. And now, they don't want to. So typically bureaucratic.


  1. hmmm.... just wondered what take the company so long to expand the Penang Bridge... So inefficient. :(

  2. What do you expect - 1Malaysia thinkers had the perception that the public had only 1 opinion about policy and decision making
