
Sunday, 13 December 2009

My Top 12 visitors

Since I included this Flag Counter on 6 Oct 2009, I've noticed an interesting trend emerging from the visitors to this blog. Yes, without a doubt, my most frequent visitors would be Malaysians themselves but coming in a surprisingly strong second position are people from the United States. Just one or two days ago, I saw that the visits from the States have crossed the one thousand mark since this counter was added to the blog.

Of course, I don't expect this small blog to generate much traffic -- in fact, it's almost miniscule compared to, say, Kenny Sia's blog -- but to have visitors from all over the world gives me some satisfaction. So, I have to say to them that I appreciate their visits .. a lot! Thank you for coming.

There's still a very long way to go before the visits from Singapore, Great Britain or Australia cross their respective one thousand mark, but I'm getting there....eventually.

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