
Saturday, 2 July 2011

It's yellow within

Still dreaming about the durian season in Penang. The season's not ending soon. There's still about three weeks to go but I understand the season may peak next Saturday. If you are like me, you'll love the durian. According to my durian friend in Balik Pulau, the ones with the yellow coloured pulp are the most prized among visitors to his farm. Their eyes, he said, always light up when the fruit is slowly opened to reveal this tantalising colour. It doesn't matter to them what's the colour of the skin. What's more relevant is the quality inside and if yellow means good quality, so be it. Me too, when I look at the durian, what's important to me is the quality of the fruit inside. Hope you have the same opinion too.

1 comment:

  1. There's a lot of yellow themes in your posts of late!! Cunning!! Hehe
