
Thursday, 9 February 2012

OFA coffee table book, part 10

I can't believe this is my fourth amendment to the history of The Old Frees' Association. Everytime I look at the draft copy, there is always something new to add or change. What started out as a short history has turned out into a much longer version. Plus, the events have been brought up almost to date as the story includes the opening of the annexe building in Bay Avenue which is beside the Queensbay Mall.

This morning, I attempted to format the history into a two-column layout, since this was agreed by the editorial board recently, and put in quite a number of essential photographs. Big learning exercise here as I had to shift the pictures here and there to ensure that there will be at least a photo when the pages are opened out flat. There are 28 pages in all, inclusive of the two blank end pages but really, I want this to be a good pictorial.

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