
Friday, 23 March 2012

Fidelis, the OFA commemorative book, part 26

D-8 days till launch. There is nothing else that we can do now except to wait for Fidelis, the commemorative book of the Old Frees' Association, to be ready. After all the hard work of the past four to five months, I'm left twiddling my thumbs most evenings.

This afternoon though, there was still one thing to do. We all met up at The Phoenix Press print factory in the Prai Industrial Estate on the mainland, having been invited there by their chief marketing officer, TC Hon. While we had initially hoped that, maybe, we could see the pages in the process of being printed, we were told instead that the pages had all been completed.

The few of us at The Phoenix Press. Left to right: Saik Mun, Jin Teik, myself and Rajendren.

It's not exactly rolling off the press but there is still a kind of excitement in seeing the commemorative book in the raw.

They were now in the process of being folded into their signatures and stitched together. The cover is being printed separately, as well as the slip cases, but with the others in a hurry, we could not see the processes.

Part of the book being carted from one area of production to the next.

Nevertheless, we have been assured that the whole book will be ready before the launch of the Penang Free School Bicentenary Celebrations by the Raja of Perlis on 31 March 2012. In fact, as we were leaving The Phoenix Press, Hon was already discussing with Rajendren and William about the delivery next Thursday.

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