
Wednesday, 4 September 2013

George Town by day, George Town by night

Buildings looked bigger at night than in the daytime, yes, no? Actually, what you see below were just tricks on the eye. Despite the height of the KOMTAR tower being relatively the same, the two pictures were taken from different perspectives and angles.

It so happened that I had a lot to do yesterday and consequently, I spent about 12 hours out on the island. I chose to travel by the Penang ferry on the outbound trip and came back via the Penang bridge. After the rains of the past two or three days, the haze cleared up and the sky was remarkably clear. Especially so at nighttime from the bridge, the lights of George Town and Butterworth were really brilliant.

I took some snapshots and I would like to think that these two pictures were the most representative from my little camera: daytime from the ferry and nighttime from the bridge. And as you know, the ferry and bridge provide completely different viewpoints altogether.

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