
Monday, 21 April 2014

The ugly side of cowardice

Not long after I had written a short post today on my blog about yesterday's Annual General Meeting of The Old Frees' Association that I was surprised to retrieve a small brown envelope in my letter box. A small brown envelope with my name and address affixed on it, and post marked the 15th of April, 2014.

Inside was an anonymous, poison letter making an allegation that the land and building of the OFA premises in Northam Road, Penang, had been sold off to a well-known property developer. The anonymous letter made some further allegations of kickbacks and corruption, which I do not see fit enough to reproduce here in full.

Frankly, I am disgusted by anonymous letters flying around. If the sender had the guts to put his name on the letter, I would admire and respect him, but having chosen to hide behind a cloud of anonymity, making allegations which cannot be substantiated by ordinary means, that, to me, is a sign of great cowardice.

Of course, if this person's intention is to bring the matter up to the attention of all OFA members, he has succeeded, assuming of course, that he had sent this letter to everyone in the membership list. It would have cost the perpetrator of this letter a fair bit of money too to reach out to all the members. Postage alone would have cost him more than RM700, and that's not even taking in the time and effort, and the cost of envelopes and photocopying the letters. But it cannot hide the fact that only cowards resort to making such anonymous allegations in the first place.

And a final comment: I am wondering how on earth did this person manage to get my name and address? I am hoping that it did not come from the OFA management office. I would be very disappointed if it is proven that it had.


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