
Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Occupy Beach Street, legally, of course!

Every Sunday morning, this part of Beach Street stretching from the Union Street to the China Street junctions is closed off to vehicular traffic for a cultural event called Occupy Beach Street.

Unlike other "Occupy ..." events in other parts of the world, here in Penang, Occupy Beach Street is a different cup of tea conceived to bring out the young and old to celebrate and enjoy their city of George Town's world cultural heritage status. As such, this weekly event is state-approved and has the blessings of the Penang government.

I just happened to be there at Beach Street last Sunday and in the brief 30 minutes or so, I was greatly impressed by the diverse range of activities. Definitely worth a second visit anytime soon.


  1. A few months ago when I was there, there were a few people (shifu?) doing 'knife massage' on your shoulder & back for RM 10. I wonder are they still there?

  2. Dear WinZee,
    yes, we still there every sunday for the knife massage 8-1pm
