
Tuesday, 19 November 2019

A 100 percent support

So the MCA guy beat his Bersatu counterpart in the Tanjong Piai parliamentary by-election last Saturday by a big landslide margin. It surprised no one that Wee Jeck Seng won, seeing how the sentiments on the ground were shifting to his party. But the margin of his victory surely surprised onlookers everywhere. Except for perhaps the people in Tanjong Piai itself.

I was fortunate itself to visit that part of the country on Monday. Of course, it was in the aftermath of the by-election. We were to Kukup to visit the seaside village town. And we came across this temple in the midst of the Chinese community. Maybe I should add that in my view, Kukup is predominantly Chinese. The houses there are built on concrete stilts into the sea.

We explored the temple like any other tourist and then noticed a banner which hung on a stage opposite the temple. It was very telling. When I saw it, it totally explained why the Bersatu party had absolutely no chance of winning the by-election.

Not only in Kukup but all over the Tanjong Piai constituency. If the temple's committee leaders were 100 percent behind the MCA candidate, and had made their view so clear to all the inhabitants and residents there, what chance did the Bersatu party have of defending the seat? How can they compete against a determined lot bent on teaching Pakatan Harapan a lesson for their indiscretions? None whatsoever.

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