
Thursday, 9 April 2020

He will be back

One of my good friends have been replaced as the chairman of Penang Port Commission, a casualty of the illegitimate frog regime that seized federal power through the backdoor on the 29th of February 2020. Mark this date on the calendar because this is Malaysia's darkest hour since the upheavals of 1969. One month after this date, the new transport minister, putting party politics above everything else during this period of the coronavirus pandemic, terminated the tenure of Jeffrey Chew as the PPC chairman, thus ending 13 months when a rejuvenated Penang Port began showing real potential for some exciting growth. Instead of petty party politics, everyone should be focussed on fighting this new disease. I felt distressed when I learnt that this had happened. But, Jeffrey, keep your strength up. This is just one of several setbacks in life. You can spring back to achieve greater heights. For now, let me share Jeffrey's own words as he documents his achievements during the past 13 months:
1st April 2020 marks the end of my tenure as Chairman at Penang Port Commission. Appointed on 27 February 2019, my term would have lasted me until 26 February 2021 but has finally come to an abrupt end due to the changeover of the government recently. It is definitely an unfinished journey for myself as I accepted this position to serve the King and country to my best extend.
When I accepted that position, I knew my role as Chairman cannot just be to preside over PPC's board meetings only. The position must act as the advisory role to the management team and to provide the board of directors a clear direction of where to go. I knew that this role required me to work with different states and Federal Departments which are crucial for the success of Penang Port.
There were four initiatives that I set out for during my tenure. Firstly, during the early days of my tenure, I pushed for non-port related assets to be monetized so that it will be taken up by other interested parties so that they can provide better upkeep of the properties. Secondly, the Port needs to be revitalized. Thirdly, expand the North Butterworth Container Terminal. Fourthly, the need revitalize the Penang Port Consulative Council.
During the past year, I have worked with the management team to revitalize Swettenham Pier which has been neglected for the last 40 years. On 1st February, the project kicked off successfully. Penang deserves better and above politics, the management team took the effort to put out an RFP and eventually a successful tender was found after 5 months. This sets a new direction for the Pier to be revitalized to host the ever-expanding cruise market and to ensure that PPSB and Royal Caribbean's venture will materialize.
Also, the revitalization of the Port Consultative Council happened after my second month at PPC. This council has been dormant and neglected by the previous BN government for the past 12 years. I took up this initiative to ensure that all port users' voices were being heard. It became instrumental to be the conduit for our port operator, PPSB to discuss matters openly with the different port stake holders such as the different chambers of commerce, freight forwarding associations as well as associations representing the industries.
As for the expansion of the North Butterworth Container Terminal, I must commend the former Minister of Transport, Saudara YB Anthony Loke, who took every effort to ensure that the directions of Penang Port remain intact. Even the former Minister of Finance has been supportive in the efforts of the duty-free business at the Pier as well as the emergence of the newly formed 86 hectares of Free Commercial Zone at the NBCT - which could be one of the largest in the country.
During my 13 month's tenure, I chaired PPC's the Board of Directors deciding on important Port matters. I was very fortunate that the Board managed to execute many decisions timely and efficiently. All of the above was possible with great teamwork at PPC. I believe the team will march forward to achieve their new vision this year - Penang Port - the Economic Catalyst.
My tenure may have ended abruptly but I believe the sense of purpose of Penang Port has emerged back once again. What started as promising is now ending up incomplete in many sense but I will not be disappointed as my conscience is clear.
I have always had Penang in mind during my tenure. Today, we are faced with the crippling Covid -19 virus which will test Penang and the nation to the fullest. We must stand together to fight this virus pandemic and put partisan politics aside. PPC team and the board of directors knew very well that my role as the non-executive is limited. I personally didn't think it was as I continue to help the management sets its course.
I am fortunate to have worked with Puan Monaliza Suhaimi, the General Manager of PPC as well as Mr Sashe of PPSB to chart new directions for Penang Port Sdn Bhd to chart a new direction for the Port. It has been a very interesting journey and I look forward to completing the journey one day. Like McArthur had said before, I shall return.

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