
Thursday, 8 July 2021

Not levelling off

On the 13th anniversary of George Town being recognised as a UNESCO world heritage site, this is the updated chart of Penang's Covid-19 deaths. One month of the movement control order in the country does not seem to be making any difference in bringing down the numbers, not least in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Negri Sembilan. In Penang, the numbers of infection look like holding steady and yesterday, the federal government said the state could go into Phase 2 of the movement control order, which means that more types of business activities can resume, such as hair salons (but no big deal for me presently because my hair is still short enough). However, it is the mortality rate of the Covid-19 patients that continue to concern me because they keep rising. It stands now at 125 cumulative deaths as at 07 July 2021.

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