
Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Beauty of two

I'm not unaware of the term palindrome. I've known of this word since schooldays. Kids nowadays don't read a lot but back in my days, we did. My dictionary defines it as a word or phrase "that is the same whether you read it backwards or forwards," but I suppose it can refer to a string of numbers too. But ambigram? Now, that's a new word to me! Until today, I did not even know that such a word existed, let alone know what it meant. It's so rare that it does not even appear in my dictionary! But the Internet comes to the rescue, telling me that it means something that reads the same even if you turn it upside down. Thus, we come to today's date, which if written as shown above, is both a palindrome and an ambigram

But there's more to today. Another string of numbers to consider for today is 22222222222 which consists of 11 consecutive twos. This specific string really won't happen again for another hundred years by which time I can safely say all of us will no longer be around. This number can be translated as the 22nd of February 2022 at 22:22.22(pm). What's more, it occurs on a Tuesday, it being the second day of a week. So we have 22222222222 as a palindrome and ambigram occurring on the second day of the week in the second month of the year. 

PS. Somehow I feel all this discussion is somewhat frivolous because we are showing a font typically used in old LED displays. If we were to type in Arial or Times New Roman, for example, there's nothing to suggest that these numbers are an ambigram

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