
Saturday, 5 February 2022

Carrying a sprain

This Chinese New Year hasn't started particularly well for me. I've gone off on the wrong foot, so to speak. For the past five days, I've been walking around with a lousy limp. 

Early Tuesday morning, I had attempted to climb a stool but had experienced a sharp, searing pain in my left ankle. But I don't remember twisting my foot. Perhaps I should have stopped immediately but I was halfway up the stool and the momentum of my upward push forced me up on my injured left foot. So my whole body weight was pressed down on this painful ankle. 

Anyhow after I had climbed down, the pain persisted and I could barely walk. Limping along was the best I could do. It was only when I wore my pair of slippers which had a soft padded base that I felt more comfortable. In these five days, I've been applying a cold compression to the injured ankle and I must say that it has helped me considerably. But I think it's going to be another week before I am back to normal.

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