
Sunday, 24 April 2022

Car park full!

Attended the 95th annual general meeting of The Old Frees' Association in Northam Road this morning. Everyone were glad to see one another. None the worse for the pandemic restrictions. Of course, everyone were masked up too. That was the least we could do to safeguard ourselves from any unsuspecting infection. I climbed the stairs to the upper floor to take a view of the car park. For the first time in two years, it was full with the members' vehicles. 👍👍

And nope, I am not in the management committee. My days are truly well behind me. Almost 30 years already. But I'm in the OFA Centenary Celebration Committee. That's right, the PFA will be 100 years old in 2023 and I'm part of this committee which is planning activities to celebrate this once-in-a-lifetime occasion. We've just had our budget of RM250,000 approved by the members at the annual general meeting.

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