
Monday 25 September 2023

Centenary chess competition concludes

The OFA Centenary chess tournament was a very successful rapid competition by any standard, even if I, as the Tournament Director and organiser, have to say so myself. More so, this was a FIDE-rated event. Quite a rarity on Penang's shores, and we managed it successfully yesterday at Penang Free School's Pinhorn Hall. 

My thanks goes out to Jonathan Chuah, whom I had appointed as the Chief Arbiter, and his team which included Cheryl Ho and three volunteer tournament assistants. I also wish to thank Lim Li Yeong, the advisor of the PFS Chess Club. She stayed for the whole duration of the tournament and helped to look after the storage boxes. 

My sincerest appreciation is extended to See Swee Sie, the President of the Penang Chess Association, and her team who gave their assistance in every way. Special mention for Lim Poay Sim for his help during the FIDE ID approval process and the supply of chess equipment. On the Malaysian Chess Federation front, my appreciation to Steven Cheong for his role in the FIDE ID approvals too. Without Poay Sim and Steven, I'm sure our tournament would not have obtained so many new FIDE unrated players. Most importantly, my appreciation to my sub-committee members, Ung Tay Aik and Terry Ong. We pulled this off well, boys! 

IM Pavel Shkapenko drawing for his colour
While Saturday morning was spent setting up the hall, Sunday itself was the tournament. The players, many with their parents and relatives in tow, started showing up at 8.15am. Myself, I was already at the school hall before eight o'clock, saw the doors open and walked in to find the schoolboy helpers already present. Jonathan and his father turned up a bit later, and with both Tay Aik and Terry, we all laid out the equipment. We agreed to an early feedback from a participant and had the tables quickly rearranged by spacing them out in the hall. After all, there was ample space. 

We were all set by 8.30am and decided to begin proceedings at 8.40am. I gave a short opening remark, thanking all participants for their presence, blah blah blah, and then introduced the Chief Arbiter and his assistants to the participants. Jonathan then began his briefing session. A five-person Appeals Committee was nominated, and Russian international master Pavel Shkapenko was invited to draw for his colour in the first found. 

At nine o'clock, the event started. Three rounds before lunch and four rounds after. We finished on time and prize giving began at six-thirty. My thanks to Lee Eu Beng and See Swee Sie for giving away the prizes.

Getting ready for the tournament. Parents and relatives are already at the back of the hall.

Nope, they are not here to sing the School Rally. Only to listen to my opening remarks and the Chief Arbiter's briefing.

An interesting viewpoint from the back of the hall. Picture by Dr Ronnie Lim Chuin Hoong

The games are in session. The hall is packed with 94 players. The top six boards are seated in the front rows while the remaining boards play in the background

FIDE Master Poh Yu Tian

International Master Pavel Shkapenko from Russia

National Master Tan Khai Boon

Liong Ing Kiat

Woman Candidate Master Chua Jia-Tien

FIDE Master and National Master Dr Ronnie Lim Chuin Hoong

Eshwant Singh

Lim Cheng Teik

Ung Tay Aik

Tan Eu Hong

Chong Kean Foong

Terry Ong

Lim Lih Fong

National Master Evan Timothy Capel

The Chief Arbiter, FIDE Master and National Master Jonathan Chuah, and Cheryl Ho who assisted as the Arbiter in this event

Pavel Shkapenko against Chua Jia-Tien in the final round

Poh Yu Tian against Dr Ronnie Lim in the final round

Pavel Shkapenko playing against Poh Yu Tian in the fifth round 

Martin Greenwood, the most senior participant in the tournament, is quite a familiar face in chess events in Penang 

The Tournament Director with the Chief Arbiter, Jonathan Chuah

There's something about the school arches that makes this tournament a special homecoming for the Old Boys of Penang Free School

An indescribable feeling when one sits beneath the arches of this august hall AND play chess

At the start of the third round. Picture by Barath Kumar

Picture by Barath Kumar

I had such great support from See Swee Sie, President of the Penang Chess Association

Tan Eu Hong, Dr Ronnie Lim, myself, Lee Ewe Ghee and Jonathan Chuah. Ewe Ghee, the former President of the Penang Chess Association, paid a surprise visit to the tournament 

Myself with Alex Tan (centre) and Lee Eu Beng (right), respectively the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the OFA Centenary Celebrations Committee

A gathering of some Old Boys in the Penang Free School Hall

Jonathan, Eu Beng, myself and Cheryl with the winners of the OFA Members category, Lim Cheng Teik, Terry Ong and Lim Lih Fong. 

Jonathan, myself, Swee Sie, Eu Beng and Cheryl with the top three winners of the Open section: Pavel Shkapenko (second), Poh Yu Tian (first) and Tan Khai Boon (third). The envelopes I held belonged to the players who were not there to collect their prizes. Arrangements will be made later.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Seng Sun! Much thanks for your post.
