
Saturday 3 February 2024

Embracing the tranquility

The period I cherish the most each year falls between January and March. During this period, the mornings are still cloaked in darkness at seven o'clock, slowly getting light and with the sunrise unveiling itself only about half an hour later. This darkness provides an opportunity for me to linger in bed longer with lights off, surrounded by tranquility, and accompanied by the gentle chirping of birds outside my window. This appreciation for such moments only dawned on me after my retirement in December 2009, bringing an end to the need for early rises in preparation for work. The months of January, February, and March in 2010 marked a period of pure joy, and this sentiment has endured, making these three months a source of continuous delight. How many more such opportunities do I still have? I do not know. But what I do know is that I must make the best out of it, every year to come. So, for goodness' sake, kindly refrain from calling me too early in the morning, alright? I'll be incoherent and I may simply ignore your call.

Note: The chart below is from and it shows the times of sunrise and sunset in Penang from December 2023 till March 2024. What I'm trying to illustrate is that from the eighth of January to the second of March, sunrise occurs on or after 7.30am. 

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