
Tuesday, 14 January 2014

A deep appreciation

(This is a computer-generated collage)

An appreciation to my friends and family who had visited me during my 12-day sojourn at the Lohguanlye Specialists Centre in Logan Road, Penang following my re-admittance on 2 Jan 2014 for diverticulosis:

My family - parents-in-law Lee Soon Chye and Seh Chew Hong, brothers-in-law Lee Lai Seng and Lee Lai Kuan, sisters-in-law Lee Saw Bee and Lee Saw Choo, nephew Lee Chean;
My relatives - Lee Seang Aun and family, Choong Teik Hong and Alice Lee, Roland Choong and his brother-in-law Boon Sun;
My chess friends - Jimmy Ng from Singapore, Lee Ewe Ghee, Ung Tay Aik and Eric Cheah;
My former colleague from Ban Hin Lee Bank - Tang Long Kin;
My former colleagues from - Ted Targosz and Jeffrey Chew;
My friends from The Old Frees' Association - Tan Heng Swee and Alice;
My neighbour - Dato' Dr Ooi Eng Hock;
My old school buddies - Kee Thuan Chye, Lim Eng Siang, Lim Teik Wah, Ooi Ling Heong, Dr Tan Kok Hin, Yeoh Oon Hup;
My Kongsi brethren - Quah Chin Sun, Quah Chin Chuan, Quah Teng Hin;
My Rockwills friend - Ricky Khoo.

In addition, my appreciation too to relative Lily Lee, old school buddy Lim Siang Jin, former BHLB colleague Loh Soo Chin and chess friends K Nanis, Chong Kee Kian and Hamid Majid who couldn't come but had telephoned me, and text messages from Ooi Chen Khoon in Chicago. All the well wishes that I received from the scores of real (not virtual) friends through facebook.

And needless to say, a final appreciation goes to the doctors - Noel Yeoh Theam Lip and Lim Teik Mau - and staff of the Lohguanlye Specialists Centre at the High Dependency Unit (HDU), the third floor ward staff and those from the 3A floor for their constant care and monitor during my stay. I must mention too dietician Mah Lee Ping and customer relations staff Juenndze (June) Lim.

I love you all...

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