
Friday, 17 January 2014

Simon & Garfunkel's 10 greatest hits

Rolling Stone magazine recently polled its facebook fans - and I took part - in order to determine which would be the 10 greatest hits by Simon and Garfunkel. The results are out and can be read here but I'd like to reproduce them too as a summary. Would I agree with the rankings?

10. For Emily, whenever I may find her
9. I am a rock
8. Scarborough fair/Cantivle
7. The only living boy in New York
6. Mrs Robinson
5. Cecilia
4. America
3. Bridge over troubled water
2. The boxer
1. The sound of silence

Actually, no. I wouldn't have ranked "The Sound of Silence" as the Number One but I accede to the choice of the rest of Rolling Stone's readers. Anyway, most of these songs had appeared on the duo's greatest hits album in 1972 and so, I should be very familiar with all of them.

Side One: Mrs Robinson, For Emily whenever I may find her, The boxer, The 59th street bridge song (feeling groovy), The sound of silence, I am a rock, Scarborough fair/Canticle
Side Two: Homeward bound, Bridge over troubled water, America, Kathy's song, El condor pasa (if I could), Bookends, Cecilia

Oh yes, I found this 15-minute video on YouTube, and it was quite a coincidence that they sang the three top Simon & Garfunkel songs on the Rolling Stone list:

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