Meet Dave. He's a DJ in London and he loves what he's doing, which is spinning his records and doing his remixes. I bumped into his website three days ago when I was searching for music on YouTube.
As a DJ, he has a tremendously large collection of vinyl records, many of which you won't find any more because those are limited edition records distributed only to DJs like him. They are meant for the discos and that's where he makes his living.

About three months ago, he began uploading to YouTube a collection of videos comprising extended versions of dance tracks of the 1980s. To date, he has more than 600 videos and to be frank, I haven't even heard of about 90 percent of the artists. So this is a great collection of music and what's more, the sound quality is absolutely crisp and sharp. Visit his
website here or alternatively, just do a search for "vinyl morpher" in YouTube and you'll bump into Dave instantly.
Dave also has a secondary website that holds a collection of much older material. So if you are a child of the 1950s or 1960s, you'll be equally immersed in these
classic songs.
LATEST (24 July 2008): I've just learnt that YouTube has suspended both his accounts. All the songs have been removed. I'm saddened by this development. I hope to see Dave back online soon.
Hi.. This is Vinylmorpher.. I just wanted to say, thanks for this blog and also to let you know that you are all welcome to come and visit my youtube page (vinylmorpher) and (vinylmorphergold) any time you like.. Im sure there is something here to suit everyones tasts in music.. Thank you again for this.. See you on the other side :)
Dave (VM) :)
I was in awe of the Vinyl Morphers Collection, and constantly searched thru them every day, sadly tho Youtube has suspended both of his accounts! I would like to see him begin his own blog of music or host his videos somewhere else, as his knowledge and vinyl weighs a ton...hope to see him come back
Agree my man. There's over a 1000 people missing the channel but he has made a comeback as the vinlymorphershow on YouTube.
Hi All,
Dave Here (Vinylmorpher) As you probably read above, youtube closed me down for copyright.. I was really gutted to start with, but hey, one door closes and another opens..
Firstly, Ive re launched a new channel on youtube where I still upload my radio shows.. youll find it at ...
and secondly.. Ive now got my own website.. Theres not much content as yet but I have some really big plans for the future so you might wanna go there and add me to your favs..
I Look forward to playing you guys some great music..
Dave :)
yes! thanks for the info you guys! bookmarking those right away.....we appreciate the diggin' Dave...
It's great that Dave's back with his own website.
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