I felt so bemused when I read reports of the antics in the Perak state assembly last Thursday. I felt even more bemused when I saw the videos and photos from some websites. This picture, for example. Is this a woman who cannot even lie properly in the face of hard evidence? Really, I don't know how she could keep up a straight face and deny that she wasn't threatening another person with a pepper spray.
"Come closer and let me show you my hotel key-chain and pendrive."!--->Did that look like a pepper spray or was she just holding up her hotel key-chain, as she had claimed? I should reproduce this remark from the
Sun2Surf website:
Asked if she had pepper-sprayed Yew during the sitting as reported on television news, she said the device she was holding in her hand was a key chain from her hotel and a pen drive. "I would not give him (Yew) free publicity by pepper spraying him in the House."
Funny. I would have expected all hotels to have replaced their 20th Century door locks with 21st Century security card systems by now. Also, are there still modern pendrives, thumbdrives or flash drives that measure around four inches or 10 centimetres?

Actually, I'm intrigued by the pepper sprays. How do typical pepper sprays look like? I googled the Internet and came up with thousands of images. This one on the right shows typical pepper sprays that looked similar to the cheap object she held. Of course, there's a key-chain on the spray; only difference is, there's no "hotel" attached to the other end. The truth is out there and people can decide whether or not she still has any credibility left.
Bagusnya....she is full crap that comes along with a sense of insecurity and inability to differentiate what reality is. She has forgotten the party she stood for 24 years and it is a total shame that she resorts to this class F act of action. So what is the crap about 1Perak? Love for thy citizen? Simpanlah
It is not pepper spray... it is a Men In Black Neuralyzer:
hmmmm... i have a question for her ... why she need to hold the hotel key like this ... just very curious... this position looks like she is about to spray or sprayed out some liquid ... :p
Errrrrr..... i have no comments
Even before this fiasco in Perak can you still believe what she says after she jumped ship????????????
Wait wait.. today she clamed its someone's peeper spray.. duhh
Too bad, she must be packing her back to leave to a Berjaya resort hideaway very soon
A liar will always tell another lie to cover up the earlier lie. Sometime the tactic is successful but most times it will just bury the liar deeper in the mess.
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