Saturday, 19 October 2024

St George's Church and Penang Free School

Whenever a new picture of St George's Church surfaces, I’m always more intrigued by its surroundings than the Church itself. There’s a good chance that neighbouring buildings are included as well. Take this one from the 1880s, for instance. When my friend, Eugene Quah, first shared it on Facebook, the focus of discussion was on the two bicycles in the foreground—one a penny farthing, the other a regular bicycle. However, my attention was immediately drawn to the single-storey building to the right of the Church. There's no mystery about it. Those familiar with local history will know that this low building was once part of Penang Free School, back when it was still located on the edge of Church Square. The school occupied this plot of land adjacent to the Church from 1821 until 1897.

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