Thursday, 28 July 2022

Getting an award (II)

I accompanied my wife to the Dewan Sri Pinang this morning for the State Awards ceremony where she received the Pingat Kelakuan Terpuji (PKT) from the Penang Governor. I was very proud of her achievement and chose to post a picture of us together in the lobby of the Dewan Sri Pinang during the break in the ceremony. 

As a former recipient of this award itself two years ago, I had followed her suggestion to wear my own PKT medal when accompanying her around. 

Mana tahu, many of my friends thought that we had both received our awards simultaneously and began congratulating the two of us together. A bit embarrassing for me as the day should solely belong to her. I'm just the husband that followed her to the ceremony. 😅 

But Thank You all the same to friends and relatives that sent congratulatory greetings.

There are the men's and ladies' versions of the PKT medal. Between the two, I think the ladies' medal looks very much nicer. No doubt, it is because of the embellishment with a ribbon which is absent in mine. Same with the other minor awards as I have observed. The ladies' versions of the medals look and feel much better.

I know of a few other people whom I should congratulate for receiving their awards from the Governor this year. See Swee Sie who is the President of the Penang Chess Association was given the Darjah Johan Negeri (DJN) although she told me that she could not make it to the ceremony due to other pressing engagements elsewhere. There's also Raman a/l RM Athappan who is Treasurer of The Old Frees' Association and Rohayah bt Ahmad, my former colleague from the days. Both of them were also given the PKT. 

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