Friday 1 April 2022

Cheng Beng resumption

After stopping for two years owing to the Covid-19 pandemic, my family resumed our annual Cheng Beng obligations today. How glad we were again for the opportunity to visit the graves of my two sets of grandparents at the Batu Lanchang Road Hokkien cemetery and the Wat Pimbang On Siamese cemetery! Also in the same morning, we went to the Triple Wisdom Temple in Pangkor Road to pay respects at my parents' memorial tablet. In the past two years, we had been offering prayers to them from home.

As can be observed, our offerings were very simple indeed: only a basket of fruits plus some sweet meat. It's basically what people would call a vegetarian offering. And this is what my family had been practicing since the 1960s. Our belief is that when a person passes away, only fruits should be offered in remembrance. It is only lately that we added some simple sweet meat as variety. 

Left: My parents' memorial tablet at the Triple Wisdom temple in Pangkor Road; Top right: My maternal grandparents' grave at the Hokkien cemetery in Batu Lanchang Road; Bottom right: My paternal grandparents' grave at the Wat Pimbang On Siamese cemetery in Green Lane.

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