Wednesday 16 October 2024

Almost round

According to the Chinese lunar calendar, today is the 14th day of the ninth lunar month. Tomorrow will be the 15th day. Two aspects to note about the moon tonight. Firstly, it is supposed to be one of the brightest full moons this year as its supermoon status means that it is closer to the earth than usual. Secondly, it is already almost fully round, but it is only 98.7 percent illuminated. With the weather being so unpredictable, I cannot take the chance that I can see the full moon clearly enough tomorrow. So there I was, standing outside the house with my camera at 10 o'clock to capture this picture. It's given the name of Hunter's Moon because it is the hunting season in the northern hemisphere. 

[Thursday's update] Just as I feared, the weather wasn't great on Thursday evening. Cloudy most of the night. I did happen to see the full moon at nine o'clock—100 percent illuminated—but the edges were rather hazy, lacking clear definition due to the cloud cover. (See the second picture below.) But it turned out worse about an hour later. The cloud cover thickened considerably and with that, the whole moon vanished from sight. 

Wednesday night's moon
Thursday night's moon

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