Thursday, 6 February 2025

CNY party @ OFA

Last Sunday, I found myself with a last-minute ticket to the Chinese New Year party at The Old Frees' Association. Initially, I had been told that I was too late to register and was placed on the waiting list. Then, just a day or two before CNY, I got a message—a seat had opened up. Would I still be interested?

At first, I thought no, as my family had planned to visit relatives and friends that day. But as luck would have it, my wife rescheduled our visits to the day before to accommodate an old family friend. So, in the end, I was free to attend the CNY@OFA party after all.

The celebrations kicked off around 5pm with a string of firecrackers, followed by a lively lion dance performance that lasted about half an hour. The troupe moved from the main entrance to the natuk kong shrine at the far end of the car park before making its way into the main building—ascending the staircase to the lounge, then down into the hall, and finally culminating in a vibrant display of Chinese New Year exuberance at the reception area. Along the way, they captivated members and their families, especially the youngsters.

After the excitement, there was a short breather before the buffet spread was opened. Everyone enjoyed themselves thoroughly, and by 7.30pm, I decided to call it a day.

These photos below were taken from The Old Frees' Association's facebook page, Liong Chian Min as well as my own mobile.

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